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Product details
File Size: 5854 KB
Print Length: 681 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1620871882
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing; 1 edition (September 1, 2013)
Publication Date: November 10, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#90,393 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
A Farewell to Justice is essential reading for anyone interested in the JFK assassination. Joan Mellen has done exhaustive research dating back to the late 60's, when she began interviewing Jim Garrison in New Orleans. The 2013 update to this book alone is worth the price of the book. Any speculation put forward in this book is based upon the evidence, put together through personal interviews by Mellen and evidence collected by Garrison and his investigators.This is a remarkable story of Jim Garrison, a brilliant, eccentric, and courageous district attorney, (and later judge), in New Orleans. He was thwarted at every turn by multiple government agencies who were attempting to keep the lid on the events of 1963. The evidence of obstruction of his investigation turns out to be as revealing as the evidence of the assassination itself. As Mellen reveals, he has been vindicated by the slow progress being made by researchers painstakingly reviewing CIA and other government files, showing that Clay Shaw was indeed a highly paid CIA employee. The evidence points toward him being one of the "handlers" of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans during the summer of 1963. The truth is there, if anyone is still paying attention, in 2014.
I must admit, I found this book very off-putting at first. The author’s compositional style is often frustrating, as she seems to flit about between topics and witness accounts, creating a sense of utter distraction. The reader must often construct something of his own topical index to connect the various threads of documentation and attestation that Ms. Mullen constructs, for she has the tendency to distribute seemingly discursive tidbits haphazardly throughout the course of her book. Her style of documentation is rather unconventional and takes some getting used to, for instead of providing conventional footnotes to cite her sources, she provides a separate index where she cites her sources with thematic titles and page numbers. There is definitely a learning curve and reader tolerance level associated with reading this book, but once a reader has become properly accustomed to the quirks of its composition this book becomes an invaluable resource.Ms. Mellen has produced a goldmine of high level documentation that no serious JFK researcher should be without. This is not a book for the uninitiated, but it proves to be a treasure trove for those wishing to expand their knowledge and data relative to 3 key areas:(1) Lee Harvey Oswald’s background and military/intelligence associations;(2) The New Orleans phase of the intelligence operation to assassinate JFK; and,(3) The nearly incredible form and extent of the concerted efforts to undermine Jim Garrisons’ investigation into that assassination.I note where some Amazon reviewers have complained of the author’s willingness to offend their perception and (literally) hero worship of RFK, apparently because they don’t like the fact that she was willing to provide data on RFK’s behavior toward Jim Garrison and his investigative efforts. As I would advise anyone to do whenever encountering a hero worshipper, simply disregard these persons’ complaints. Even if Joan Mellen were never to have composed a single word of text, the fact that Robert Kennedy was a strange, enigmatic, dangerous, unpredictable, and largely unknowable individual has already been well established by the reminiscences of friends, relatives, and the records and proceedings of the ARRB, HSCA, LAPD Intelligence Unit and other organizations that investigated his involvement in a number of secretive affairs. His inexplicably obstructionist, obscurantist approach to his older brother’s execution is well documented, and he was apparently instrumental in guiding his younger brother, Teddy, in adopting similar tack of obfuscation. Douglas Horne’s team in the ARRB proved conclusively through chain of custody and other analyses that RFK was responsible for the removal and probable destruction of much key evidence related to the JFK assassination from the National Archives and other repositories, beginning no later than 1966. Larry King’s notes off the record from his 1968 interview with Jim Garrison show that Garrison knew that RFK was engaging him duplicitously as he pursued his investigation, and while it seems impossible to determine what motives may have impelled RFK, Garrison believed that RFK was involving himself in a “fool’s game.â€In light of what we already know about RFK’s strange behavior in approaching his brother’s murder, it seems childishly petulant to whine about the data that Ms. Mellen has developed, merely because it is inconvenient to the maintenance of one’s respect for a “hero.†This book provides much needed sources and documentation for a number of key points relative to the scope of its inquiry, and it cuts a swath that will take down the misconceptions and preconceptions of many. Buy it, grit your teeth long enough to learn to use it, and if you are a serious JFK researcher you will be amply rewarded.
Interesting book. There really are not that many Jim Garrison biographies out there. This one is probably the best one to read. That being said, it can be a little rough on the reader. This book is very long, has a bit of an information overload in it, and has a lot of different characters to try to keep up with. However, all in all, the book does a great job at illustrating the kind of a man Jim Garrison was, and how he conducted his JFK assassination investigation. Moreover, the book delivers on bringing to light just how difficult it was for him to investigate with government agencies breathing down his neck.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy can no longer be investigated as a criminal case because "all the usual suspects" have died. Now that assassination has to be researched by historians and archeologists. The Clay Shaw trial is a case in point. Clay Shaw is dead--he was also acquitted of conspiracy committed under Louisiana law. "A Farewell to Justice" tells the story of Jim Garrison's failed prosecution and the House Select Committee on Assassinations and why they failed.Despite giving this book five stars (as a history book) there are flaws. One example is calling the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory a "Minnesota Multi-fasic." I've taken this test battery twice--the first test (late 1980's) may have been the original 1943 edition and my second test in the mid 1990's seems to have been the 1989 update. It's just a pencil and paper test with a lot of interpretation by the psychologist administering it.Did Lee Oswald kill the president? The Warren Commission Report said "yes" and claimed that Oswald acted alone. The HSCA said that JFK probably died as the result of a conspiracy. How many Oswalds were involved? There are countless questions, several movies, hundreds of books and thousands of articles and papers on the subject. Did the JFK assassination spill over to kill his brother Bobby Kennedy, too?Specific to "A Farewell to Justice" were the Kennedy brothers casualties of a secret war between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Kennedy family?We may never know.